Sale and refund policy
Sale and refund policy
Rules of the purchase and the usage of the tickets:
These rules state the procedure of purchasing the tickets to the events, which are held at the «CSKA ARENA».
«Ticket» - it is the document that certifies the right of the purchaser to visit the particular event.
«Spectator» - is the purchaser of the ticket or of the season ticket, who is present at the event.
«Events» - spectator sports events, which are held at the «CSKA ARENA».
«Purchaser» - is the person who buys the ticket.
1.Purchase of tickets.
1.1 Current rules are a public offer, that means these rules are the proposals to enter into the contract of sale of the tickets with elements of the contract of reimbursable services under the following conditions;
The price-list of the event organizers establishes the price for the ticket, and it is written either on the ticket or in the separate contract, which is signed by both the organizer and the purchaser;
The date of the event is printed on the ticket; the dates of the events, on which the validity of the ticket applies, are established following the schedule of the tournaments (this schedule is published in the internet site of the event organizers) and according to the current rules;
The amount of tickets that the purchaser can buy is strictly regulated by the limit, which is set by the event organizers, and the visitors can decide by themselves how many tickets they will buy according to the stated limit and the actual number of tickets, which are on sale;
The spectators undoubtedly agree with their obligation to pass the personal examination and let the staff of Supervision and Control Service examine their belongings. In case of refusal to pass the inspection procedures, the visitors are aware of the situation when it can be prohibited to them to enter the Ice Palace;
The purchasers must follow the rules, stated for the spectators of the arena, and they have to take responsibility for the enforcement of these rules;
Purchasing the ticket, the buyer accepts the rules (the public offer).
Многофункциональный спортивный комплекс «ЦСКА АРЕНА» — крупнейшая площадка для проведения спортивных соревнований, концертных и деловых мероприятий в Москве. Комплекс состоит из трех арен общей вместимостью 19 200 гостей. Каждая площадка комплекса способна трансформироваться под мероприятие любого формата: хоккей, баскетбол, бои MMA, концерт или гала-шоу мирового уровня.